Saturday, January 14, 2012


   Bless you, Mayans, for instilling fear into the hearts of mankind! People are stocking up on food, ammo, camping gear and are eyeing their neighbors suspiciously. Of in these United States, we have reason to be concerned. There's the whole debt thing, the fear of healthcare, the fear of no healthcare! Food shortages, disease and billions of birds falling out of the air and fish floating up out of the water! It just don't seem natural, does it? Well, it ain't!
   None of this is really a surprise to's all been foretold in Scripture by many different people. Jesus, for One. Daniel warned us...John warned us...The problem is, very few are listening. We grab our soap boxes and rail against the powers that be....deservedly. But it's not just one person or one party;oh no, EVERYONE'S crazy now. But we neglect what we have been told in advance. Fear not. These things must first come to pass before the end.
   The END? Oh IS coming but I promise you it won't be in 2012! How could I possibly know this, you ask? According to Scripture there will be a 7 year tribulation that begins when somebody called the Anti-Christ comes on the scene. He's not a nice guy. You think Hitler was bad? You ain't seen nuthin' yet! In any case, his reign of terror is for 7 years and since it hasn't happened YET, you can rest assured knowing that we STILL have at LEAST 7 years before "the end". The only comforting this about this is that the whole thing can be avoided. If you are a Christian, Jesus is going to save you from this horrid time. It's all true....believe it or not. My hope is you will.
   So..alas, the Mayans were wrong..and anybody else who has predicted an end in 2012. If you don't believe I encourage you to save up for trouble; because you WILL find it. Trust Jesus, not the Mayans.


  1. Great reading Tammy, good sense for humour. Please write more often. Oh yes, you forgot about the river Euphrates drying up as well (Rev 16:12). - another End Time indicator.
    God Bless from Prophecy Reality.
