Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Four Little Life-Changing Words

   Wherever you are right now, get up and go outside. Feel the warmth of the sun on your face, or the snow coming down, or the rain washing over you...or feel the wind in your hair. Breathe the fresh air deep into your lungs. Nothing fake about the outdoors. See the trees changing colors, see the clouds floating or gathering together. It's exhilarating! Capture this moment...let it take you back to  other moments in your past where you basked in this kind of weather. Life is hard, folks.

   Life is SO hard that sometimes we let it suck us away into such concern, pain and fear...we get angry, we want our voices to be heard; we want justice! We just want our world back. Wouldn't it be nice to not worry about what other people are going to do? Wouldn't it be great not to have to worry about our economy or terrorists or cancer? Sooo many fears today!

   I want to feel secure about the future of my kids and grandchildren. I want to sit on the porch with neighbors. I want to  know the grocery stores will be stocked forever and that I can afford gas for my car. I want to drive down the road without fear that someone is going to wig out and go road rage on me.  I want a stranger to smile when they walk by instead of looking away and hurrying on. I want my 84 year old friend to be pain-free and healthy.

   I breathe in the fresh air and am at peace. I know Who is giving us this gift. Scripture says in Matthew 5:45 "...He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good and sends rain on the righteousness and the unrighteous." He gives to ALL.

   Despite your fears, God is in control. Those  four little words. God knows who will be president. God knows who has cancer. He knows if you have no money. He knows if you lost your job. He knows the ending of all of these things. Our blessing in this is to trust on the One Who loves us. Stand
outside and feel the elements on your face...look up...your Help is there.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


   The world is coming to end! The President of Chik-fil-A  has admitted his company has Christian values. ALERT THE MEDIA! Somebody already DID, of course and the fight is on...lines have been drawn. What's wrong with Christian values? Morality? Honesty? Commitment and obedience to Christ? Did the president of Chik-fil-A come out and say that homosexuals wouldn't be served? No. That they would be asked to leave if they came in? No. That they weren't welcome? No. Did he arrange a parade to voice his views and march down Main Street calling people haters? No. He said his business was based on Christian values, period.
   The reaction to this is ridiculous. If you don't want to eat at Chik_Fil_A, don't. Nobody is twisting your arm. No one is asking you to agree. If ya don't like it...go see the Colonel instead.
   There are children all over the world starving to death-right this very second- as you read this. They don't care about Gay rights or Christian values. They just want something to keep them alive a little longer. Just a little something to eat. Like Him or not, Jesus said, "Feed My sheep". Instead, we fight about what is "right" and what is not; while the starving child DIES before our eyes! Christ would call us a brood of vipers.
   If you read the news you will see that this country is overcome by heat waves and floods and drought. Our food supply is in serious danger! Have you BEEN pricing groceries lately? Everyone is screaming inflation and depression! I say, "Thank You Jesus that we HAVE chicken to eat at all!" There may come a time when we can more than relate to the starving, dying children in other countries!
We don't know what tomorrow will bring. Help feed these children while there is still time and stop demanding your rights about what you believe. Get over yourself, for just once! No one has been denied anything in any of this! But it seems to me like it's Christ who is being filleted! Buck up and shut up and eat your chicken...and be thankful!

Monday, July 23, 2012


   One of my most repetitive posts is that there is SO much going on in the world right now! It's insane! I almost hate clicking on the news these days to see what has happened since the last time! Syria, Iran, chemical weapons, economic disaster, earthquakes, murders etc. We have REASON to be afraid! Things are happening beyond our control! ANd we just LOVE control, don't we? In a recent study by Chip Ingram of Calvary Chapel, he gives a beautiful interpretation of Psalm 46. This was penned by David, who I can TOTALLY relate to! Let me just rewrite this Scripture with some add-on points from Chip to consider:
Psalm 46 (about Fear)

God is our refuge and our strength,
A very present help in trouble. (God is FOR us, He is our refuge; our place of safety)
Therefore, we will not fear though the earth should change
And though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea;
Though its waters roar and foam (tsunamis?)
Though the mountains quake at its swelling pride. (God is our only security).
There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God. (the city of God is Jerusalem)
The holy dwelling places of the Most High.
God is in the midst of her. (Jerusalem)
She will not be moved. (This is a specific prophecy/promise regarding Jerusalem!)
God will help her when morning dawns
The nations made an uproar, the kingdoms tottered (do you see the uproar?)
He raised His voice, the earth melted. (God is in control)
The Lord of hosts is with us.
The God of Jacob (He is the God of people whose lives aren't really together) is our stronghold. (joy, protection, security, deliverance, peace)
(God's presence is our hope)
Come behold the works of the Lord (Come to Him and see what He has already done. He's come thru for us in the past)
Who has wrought desolations in the earth.
(How do we enter in and experience His promise?)
He makes wars to cease to the end of the earth
He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two;
He burns the chariots with fire.
Cease striving (BE STILL) and know that I am God. (We must surrender to Him)
I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. (God wins)
The Lord of hosts is with us. (God is FOR us)
The God of Jacob is our stronghold.
(He invites us to experience His presence).

There are many concerns today but God is in control. He has already won the battle. He WILL be exalted. Who will you put your trust in...man or God? Oh my friend...God is REAL! He is alive! How many times in Scripture has He said, "Fear not?!"
Put your hope in Him because He is our ONLY hope!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What Are You Thinking?

   We are in chaotic times, confusing times...End Times! (as in the Biblical LAST DAYS)! So Christian...WHAT are you thinking? Many of you have become involved in all kinds of apostasy! What is with some of you involved in contemplative prayer. labyrinths, silence with monks and things like Circle Prayer?! What is this need you have to work to "get closer to God"? Do you not know that already you are seated in the heavenlies? You are filled with the very SPIRIT of God! How much closer do you think you can get? Tongues? No! You are FILLED...there is no more of Christ to get! You seek experience and signs. Remember what Jesus said about those things in Scripture? You are complete in Him. COMPLETE. You are filled up and spilling over yet you seek experience?  You practice rituals like the pagans to either 1) show your "holiness" or 2) to get closer to Jesus. YOU ALREADY HAVE IT ALL. You are complete in Him, my brother! Stop looking for signs and wonders. Stop waiting to be "more holy". Serve the Lord NOW!
   Christian, you need to be in the word! You need to study to show thyself approved! You need to be ready to give an answer! Stop wasting your time on lectio divino and holy laughter...are you serious? The day of the Lord is as hand! You have been called out; set apart. This is NOT about you, it is about Jesus! His plan! His good and perfect will!
   Christians are DYING throughout the world. Martyred. Murdered. And so many of you want to practice silence with monks or walk a labyrinth! You do not look holy, you look ridiculous! You are "little Christs". Stop searching for signs, wonders and experiences! This is a battle! A battle for souls; a battle for righteousness!
   Put on the armor of God, children and face this battle armed with the Scripture! You will NOT WIN with lectio divino and contemplative prayer! It is the Word of God that fights our battle! If YOU, the Christian, do not know it..who will? I can answer that: Satan! He KNOWS the Word and actually uses it against us! I beg you to stand firm in the righteousness of Jesus. Know His word...and stay away from things that will drag you away from Truth! YOU see the times, my friend and I KNOW you know. You are seeing the leaves on the fig tree. We are near the hour and we desperately need God's word for this time of trial. Again, you are complete in Him! Gird your loins! The enemy is prowling around waiting to destroy you!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Liberal or Conservative

   The news these past months has been unbelievable. I tell myself that I should just stop watching it altogether and save the blood pressure but I'm like a moth to the flame. My defense is: One cannot stick one's head in the sand and pretend this isn't happening...and knowledge is power...and how can one have an intelligent conversation without being informed. The problem is, I think being informed is killing me! I really do. Congress is doing NOTHING to help us and EVERYTHING to keep us in the dark and it keeps happening day after day ad nauseum. And some people have the nerve to stand in the midst of it all and tell me it's MY fault! I'm making it all up! THIS isn't happening at all. Apparently, I am being overtaken my lies from a narrow group of bigoted people! Really? Then why hasn't congress passed a budget yet? Why are we paying out the nose for gas but we are not allowed to drill HERE? Why are we sending financial support to the Muslim Brotherhood when we can't pay our OWN bills? You can see the problem.
   I am probably the epitome of conservative. Call me crazy but I think murdering unborn children is reprehensible and paying for OTHER counties contraception is stupid. I think spending millions of dollars to hide the president's birth certificate and everything else in his past is unreasonable. Go figger.
   For myself, this has not come down to a republican vs democrat thing. I think everyone has an agenda. I'm not convinced ANYBODY'S agendas are pure. We are, none of us, perfect people. There are flaws...many flaws. To me...all of this comes down to the foundational level. God. I see things through a Godly perspective and not a party perspective. My loyalty is to God. My desire is integrity, honesty, humility. Right things vs wrong things. Good behavior vs bad behavior.
   I think this is where our eyes need to be. Hating the republicans isn't the point. Hating the democrats isn't the point. The POINT is, what is God's perspective on this? Whom do we serve? Many don't serve God at all....so of course our perspective's won't line up. But let it be a God thing and not a party thing.
   We, in America are at a crucial point. I mean a no-nonsense, life and death crucial point. Stop the in-fighting. Stop the agendas. We are SUPPOSED  to be in this together and we are failing miserably! We are not getting a second chance. We need to buck up NOW. Before we take any stand we need to filter it through the eyes of God. It  shouldn't be that hard to tell the truth and be kind. If that is difficult for you then maybe you need to take a look inward....this behavior is about YOU not the rest of us! And one other thing, accept an apology graciously! It could be YOU doing the apologizing next time and you want the forgiveness! No more double-standards people! Doing so makes you a liar! This goes for all of us, me included.
   Ok, let's do a pinky-swear and start over right now, today. We HAVE that choice! Thank God for that option!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


   Bless you, Mayans, for instilling fear into the hearts of mankind! People are stocking up on food, ammo, camping gear and are eyeing their neighbors suspiciously. Of course...today in these United States, we have reason to be concerned. There's the whole debt thing, the fear of healthcare, the fear of no healthcare! Food shortages, disease and billions of birds falling out of the air and fish floating up out of the water! It just don't seem natural, does it? Well, it ain't!
   None of this is really a surprise to us...it's all been foretold in Scripture by many different people. Jesus, for One. Daniel warned us...John warned us...The problem is, very few are listening. We grab our soap boxes and rail against the powers that be....deservedly. But it's not just one person or one party;oh no, EVERYONE'S crazy now. But we neglect what we have been told in advance. Fear not. These things must first come to pass before the end.
   The END? Oh yeah...it IS coming but I promise you it won't be in 2012! How could I possibly know this, you ask? According to Scripture there will be a 7 year tribulation that begins when somebody called the Anti-Christ comes on the scene. He's not a nice guy. You think Hitler was bad? You ain't seen nuthin' yet! In any case, his reign of terror is for 7 years and since it hasn't happened YET, you can rest assured knowing that we STILL have at LEAST 7 years before "the end". The only comforting this about this is that the whole thing can be avoided. If you are a Christian, Jesus is going to save you from this horrid time. It's all true....believe it or not. My hope is you will.
   So..alas, the Mayans were wrong..and anybody else who has predicted an end in 2012. If you don't believe I encourage you to save up for trouble; because you WILL find it. Trust Jesus, not the Mayans.