Tuesday, July 17, 2012

What Are You Thinking?

   We are in chaotic times, confusing times...End Times! (as in the Biblical LAST DAYS)! So Christian...WHAT are you thinking? Many of you have become involved in all kinds of apostasy! What is with some of you involved in contemplative prayer. labyrinths, silence with monks and things like Circle Prayer?! What is this need you have to work to "get closer to God"? Do you not know that already you are seated in the heavenlies? You are filled with the very SPIRIT of God! How much closer do you think you can get? Tongues? No! You are FILLED...there is no more of Christ to get! You seek experience and signs. Remember what Jesus said about those things in Scripture? You are complete in Him. COMPLETE. You are filled up and spilling over yet you seek experience?  You practice rituals like the pagans to either 1) show your "holiness" or 2) to get closer to Jesus. YOU ALREADY HAVE IT ALL. You are complete in Him, my brother! Stop looking for signs and wonders. Stop waiting to be "more holy". Serve the Lord NOW!
   Christian, you need to be in the word! You need to study to show thyself approved! You need to be ready to give an answer! Stop wasting your time on lectio divino and holy laughter...are you serious? The day of the Lord is as hand! You have been called out; set apart. This is NOT about you, it is about Jesus! His plan! His good and perfect will!
   Christians are DYING throughout the world. Martyred. Murdered. And so many of you want to practice silence with monks or walk a labyrinth! You do not look holy, you look ridiculous! You are "little Christs". Stop searching for signs, wonders and experiences! This is a battle! A battle for souls; a battle for righteousness!
   Put on the armor of God, children and face this battle armed with the Scripture! You will NOT WIN with lectio divino and contemplative prayer! It is the Word of God that fights our battle! If YOU, the Christian, do not know it..who will? I can answer that: Satan! He KNOWS the Word and actually uses it against us! I beg you to stand firm in the righteousness of Jesus. Know His word...and stay away from things that will drag you away from Truth! YOU see the times, my friend and I KNOW you know. You are seeing the leaves on the fig tree. We are near the hour and we desperately need God's word for this time of trial. Again, you are complete in Him! Gird your loins! The enemy is prowling around waiting to destroy you!

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