Wednesday, July 25, 2012


   The world is coming to end! The President of Chik-fil-A  has admitted his company has Christian values. ALERT THE MEDIA! Somebody already DID, of course and the fight is on...lines have been drawn. What's wrong with Christian values? Morality? Honesty? Commitment and obedience to Christ? Did the president of Chik-fil-A come out and say that homosexuals wouldn't be served? No. That they would be asked to leave if they came in? No. That they weren't welcome? No. Did he arrange a parade to voice his views and march down Main Street calling people haters? No. He said his business was based on Christian values, period.
   The reaction to this is ridiculous. If you don't want to eat at Chik_Fil_A, don't. Nobody is twisting your arm. No one is asking you to agree. If ya don't like it...go see the Colonel instead.
   There are children all over the world starving to death-right this very second- as you read this. They don't care about Gay rights or Christian values. They just want something to keep them alive a little longer. Just a little something to eat. Like Him or not, Jesus said, "Feed My sheep". Instead, we fight about what is "right" and what is not; while the starving child DIES before our eyes! Christ would call us a brood of vipers.
   If you read the news you will see that this country is overcome by heat waves and floods and drought. Our food supply is in serious danger! Have you BEEN pricing groceries lately? Everyone is screaming inflation and depression! I say, "Thank You Jesus that we HAVE chicken to eat at all!" There may come a time when we can more than relate to the starving, dying children in other countries!
We don't know what tomorrow will bring. Help feed these children while there is still time and stop demanding your rights about what you believe. Get over yourself, for just once! No one has been denied anything in any of this! But it seems to me like it's Christ who is being filleted! Buck up and shut up and eat your chicken...and be thankful!

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