Wednesday, November 6, 2013

                                                        THE BIG PICTURE
(This is not a well-written article by a great author. Would that it were. It's not a doomsday scenario for you ponder. My point here is to show you what is happening around us. Don't believe me? Check it out. It's not for debate. It's a serious heads-up. You need to investigate these things. It's vital.)

   In the United States, we tend to compartmentalize all of our issues and crisis'. While this makes things a little easier to bear, we are missing SO much of the puzzle in which we find ourselves. Each one of the issues we are facing today are huge in their own right; together they're almost beyond comprehension and so overwhelming we can't begin to fathom where we are in the world. Looking at the big picture is staggering.

   In politics, we have put everything in individual boxes and we seem to "pick our favorite crisis" to focus on, or we move from one to another without much looking back. In Obama's presidency alone, we have faced an enormous variety of very serious situations. From the very beginning, we had the birth certificate issue. Some believe, some don't, but that single issue alone has astounding consequences! Is our president a citizen? If not, who is he? Who is Barry Soetero? Did he go to the prestigious colleges? Where are his records? Where are his friends? Rumors abound even today as a "new" old friend decides to give us her memories of Barry. It was a scathing account. I have no idea about her credibility, but her story was  slanderous. No positive light was shed on Barry Soetero! Do we believe her or take it with a grain of salt? The birth certificate is a huge issue for many Americans.

   Other huge issues are the economy...raising the debt ceiling...billions of dollars supposedly sent to the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Queda. BILLIONS! Is this true? Americans living in poverty are at a record level in the US today. People have been losing jobs right and left and young people struggle to even find a job. Food prices are rising rapidly and with threats of striking truckers, among other things, there are threats of shortages. Agenda 21 hints of a government takeover  of the food we raise on our farms or at our homes. GMOs are killing us; literally.

   We have seen banks closing and many are questioning where to put their money. People are trying to prepare for an economic failure. On top of that, we hear stories that our government has been hoarding food and weapons. Is it true? Google it. Ammunition is harder and harder to come by and the prices have risen  exponentially. We hear threats of Martial Law. There are stories of FEMA camps. Stories of NSA spying on everyone, stories of TSA abusing people. The government shut down and vets were treated abominably by police. We hear stories of military from other countries coming to the United States and setting up camps. Google it. True? You decide.

   So many incidents of war, near war and violence like we've never seen in this country. Citizens are said to be pitted against one another, black, white, gay, straight; rich, poor; Republican, Democrat. We are becoming separated. Our unity, even within our own parties, is tenuous.

   We hear about tunnels from Mexico to the United States; weapons sold to enemies. Open borders. Amnesty. Child sex slaves. And if those things are not enough...we have Benghazi. We have the administration firing Generals, who have served this country faithfully. There are no reasonable answers. Each one of these circumstances alone is critical to our country and our people! People are dying the incredible number of scientists who have died. Does this sound tin-hat to you? Hell yes! If ONE of these stories is true, this country has a problem. If SOME of them are true, we are facing a battle we can't imagine. We cannot begin to fathom that ALL of them could be true!

   Add to these things the baffling number of bird and fish deaths! Google THAT one and wrap your mind around those numbers! Oil spills! Cover-ups! Fukishima! Can we even eat seafood safely anymore? This is HUGE stuff! This is about our food supply; our drinking water. This is about about an entire country (and more) suffering from radiation poisoning the likes of which no one has ever seen before. What is happening in our oceans that sea creatures are washing up on our shores? Why don't people seem to be alarmed about this? These are things of Biblical proportions.

   We put these things in boxes and view them individually...because to look at them all at once is more than we can process.

   Obamacare. Doctor shortages, insurance. You can keep your insurance if you you can't. He never said that! Death panels? True? Pre-exisiting conditions? If you can't afford it, you will be charged more. Sorry, we're cutting your Food Stamps. What about that weird chip they keep talking about implanting?

   If that is not enough, what about China? Russia? Muslim Brotherhood within our leadership...Sharia Law. Syria. Chemical weapons. Afghanistan. Nuclear warheads. Drones. Abortion. Gang violence.
Black on white violence. Gun control. Are you concerned yet? You should be petrified!!! None of these things are so questionable that you can't find myriads of information of them online. Are they all true? Dear ONE of them true?

Our military is declaring Christians to be terrorists. Across the world, Christians are not just persecuted but murdered in droves daily!!! The media is silent. The media is bought and paid for. Mass graves are being found full of the bodies of murdered Christians. The White House celebrates Muslim holidays and covers the Cross during presidential talks. Is that important?

   Woven throughout each one of these horrors is lie upon lie upon lie. Who is lying? The president? Valerie Jarret? Hillary? The media? Harry Reid? Chris Christie? ALL of them?! We are finding that those in administration are now lying about lies they've already told! Is this ok with you? Most people know more about what the Kardashians are doing than what their government is doing.

   Bizarre weather is rampant. Earthquakes are many  and very strong! Tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes...all showing up in unusual places. Comets keep us watching the sky. Sinkholes growing in some places that are incredible, yet the media doesn't report the severity. Waters turning blood red.
(And just to throw in my two cents, baby you ain't seen NOTHIN' yet! Nothing!)

   Keep your eyes on Israel as an attempt is made for peace and to divide the land. The trouble in the middle east will escalate quickly any moment now and Biblical teaching says that Damascus will cease to be a city. It will be utterly destroyed.

   My very real concern is that while some focus on their "favorite" issue, the birth certificate, Benghazi, Obamacare...they fail to see all the other issues happening at the same time. The world is in a crisis state.
This isn't just about electing a new guy to come in and fix things. Don't let one issue blind you to the bigger picture. Things are building to a crescendo this world has never seen. It is frightening and chaotic but God is in control and Jesus is your hope. We need to open our eyes and not be blindsided and overcome by these things. It is time to put your security in Jesus Christ. I'm not kidding. The things that are happening cannot be taken "one bite at a time" or you will miss the severity. Look at the big picture.